Trauma is one area where expertise of a specialist is many a times required. Fractures of the bony walls of the orbit can be repaired by minimally invasive surgery with incisions from inside the eyelid and inside the mouth. The young population which is commonly involved in road traffic accidents can greatly benefit from these surgeries as surgical scars can be avoided altogether. Late facial deformity correction is quite challenging and navigation guided/computer assisted surgery can be useful in achieving cosmetically great results. Dr Priti has pioneered this technology in India.
Left eyeball displaced down as the bone below the eye was fractured.The looked small as the upper lid was drooping . Repaired with keyhole surgery with implant for the fracture repair with no external scar.


Young patient .Right eye was sunken due to road traffic accident. Repaired using navigation guided surgery and pre operative planning on 3D printed skull model of the patient. Excellent correction was achieved with no obvious scar. Accuracy ,safety and predictability of late correction is better with this highly advanced technology.


Young patient .Left eye was lost due to road traffic accident and the eyelid was not opening. Repaired using navigation guided surgery and pre operative planning on 3D printed skull model of the patient. Aritficial eye was placed and the eyelid lifting surgery (ptosis correction )was done along with correcting the position of the inner corner of the eye (telecanthus repair).


Left eye is sunken due to road traffic accident. Patient had surgery previously elsewhere with inadequate correction. Eye was closing completely.Second surgery performed by us with no visible scar using computer assisted navigation guided surgery.Eye position and eye closing improved . Patient was gracious enough to send his post operative picture from Australia.


Young patient from Bangladesh .Right eye is sunken due to road traffic accident. Repaired using computer assisted navigation guided surgery and pre operative planning on 3D printed skull model of the patient. Surgery is challenging as the patient came to us 3 years after injury .Hence the fractures had malunited and the patient needed bone reconstruction , eyelid repositioning along with eye alignment so that double vision does not occur.

